Perfect timing:He’s back, and he will always be back….

Jake  fThacke round out in November that over $200,000 in cash and cryptocurrency had vanished. He had been depending on it to settle bills and cover the taxes on the stock he had sold.

Even after a year, Thacker’s money is still missing.

Due to the demise of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange, Thacker was unable to access the money he had placed there.

At the time, Thacker said to NPR, “I went in, looked at where some of my account balances were, and it didn’t seem right.” “Everything was stuck, and there were several error problems. I was obviously in a state of freakout.”

He contacted a lawyer, sent emails, and made phone calls prior to the firm declaring bankruptcy. Panic gave way to resignation and subsequently to concern.

Thacker now states, “I mean, it irrevocably changed my life.”

Sam Bankman-Fried, the creator of FTX, was found guilty of fraud and money laundering earlier this month by a jury in New York City.

When he is sentenced early in the new year, the former cryptocurrency mogul—who spent billions of dollars of FTX user funds on risky investments and upscale real estate—may serve a life term in jail.

But that brings Thacker no comfort at all.

He has been attempting to get back what he had on FTX for the last year, just like hundreds of other victims of Bankman-Fried. It’s not been simple. or productive.
Thacker has attempted to monitor the Delaware bankruptcy procedures from his home in Portland, Oregon.



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